Gawai berasal dari padanan kata gadget. Gawai means festival and Dayak is a collective. Selamat Hari Gawai E Greetings Art Greetings This harvest festival showcases the customs traditions and achievements of the indigenous people and also. . Dahulunya mereka tinggal di rumah panjang dan sesetengahnya tinggal berkelompok di kampung-kampung. This holiday is a harvest festival used to showcase the heritage and traditions of the indigenous people. Every step of the way I allow your input into designing the perfect web site to display your company to the world the way you would any other area of your business. However for East Malaysians the Harvest Festival which lands squarely in the middle of the year is one of the biggest festivals celebrated full of good fun cheer and rice wine. Jika mengacu pada Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI istilah satu ini memiliki dua makna yang cukup berbeda. Gawai yang terkenal pada zaman dulu ad...